Saturday, March 22, 2008

Downgrade to SL Basic account

I had enough.

Why would I want to pay more money to LL, when I don't have to? That pretty much sums it up.

I am likely to stay and spend money in Second life. That has been said, there is no reason to pay 72$ a year to LL.
My store generate enough linden currency to pay for the land I own on Crucial Armitage's private estate. His tier is less than that of comparable size LL main land tier.
His covenant works perfectly fine to regulate those annoying mainland problems such as ad farms and by neighbors who build ugly building to the parcel lines.

Even though the island is designated as residential, he allows everyone to make small store. Since my store is currently located in skypad, it doesnt interfere the view of my neighbors and , more than that, my own privacy.

I think I will go get a spa treatment with 72$...

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