Wednesday, December 9, 2009

In world Store Closing

Quick Announcement.
My in world store front will be closing in a day or two. I will retain my store name *Daini Ken* and my entire inventory, so any purchase orders, just IM me.

It has nothing to do with operating cost. I just got tired.

Please check out my older posts dated back in Jan 09, about the merger between Xstreet and LL. I predicted about in world tax, although it is not a tax par se, merchants will be charged twice for selling their items on Xstreet. Yes, same as tax. So there, people. I told you so.
Next step will be the real tax (Probably something like "surcharge") for every transaction.
Mark my words on this.

Well, my Xstreet listing will be removed when I get to it.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Mens Bracelet with Cross trim

Some odd assortment of bangles. I would buy something like that in real life. It was a rare inspiration which urged me to produce them in SL. Unintentional, unmatched metal textures of silver brushed, brass weave, titanium with two dark brown leather cords.

the cross? has no religious/emotional meaning. They are there because its cool. lol

Available at Main Store.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Daini Ken is moved

Daini Ken is moved to mainland Goldbach sim.

Main store can be accessed from classified, or my profile picks. Store setup is pretty much the same from the previous location, so you will not have difficult time finding the items.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Second Life Full Sim(Class 5) for sale

I'm accepting an offer for my sim for next two or three days. Any offers above 650$US is considered. This offer is open for three days. If i cannot reach an agreement with the buyer by the end of August 8th, the sim will simply go offline before August 12th.

So if you or anyone you know is looking to buy a full private sim, this is the time. LL's set up fee is 1000$US.

IM Frederic Prevost in world.

As for future of Daini ken.

My outlet in Noirran's Subtle submission location will continue to serve SL community. Xstreet listing has limited selections as well.
In time, I may list everything in Xstreet. If anyone wants particular style, you can always buy it directly from me as well.

Thanks for your all these years of support.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sim Update ~7Seas Fishing and new scenary

Due to increasing load on my old imac by SL viewer, (that frequent crashes and slow texture loading is only few of them) I have been a bit discouraged to engage in creative activity lately.

However, a couple of ppl seems to take a liking of my sim, and proactively contributing to it. Here's few great pictures above by very talented Jager Xeltentat.

He not only took a picture, but also contributed his own 7Seas kits, setting up a several fishing spot through out the sim, setting up a TP thingy at the landing spot on my main store. (All you have to do is click, and it gives you a menu of locations to explore. )

Here are an examples of new addition for the sim exploring sights.

*7Seas Fishing
Popular SL game. The new fishes are added periodically, and there will be some Daini Ken exclusive stuff added in the future. (Yes, it is in my to do list, other than ppl's names. )
We have three locations to enjoy the different scenary. North East corner of villege. South side, and little pond near the church also located in the villege. I may add another spot on North East corner, after the horse trail has clearly marked.
They are ready to fish.

*The Church.
Is not new. But it's a great place to chill. Lots of bondage equipment.

God... that took forever, since the owner of Relic have been absent from SL for several months, my failed delivery was not fulfilled till recently. Now, it sits westside of my sim, proudly looking over the whole region.

The idea came from a little city in Austria where Mozart was born, (And The sound of music was shot on location on the vicinity of this town as well) Salzburg's citadel. The citadel sits on top of small hill, well a little rock. Views from this old citadel is absolutely stunning on all four sides. Maybe somedai I get to add some open space region on the west side of the sim...

Future plans for Ruins.
Build some sort of maze like underground corridors down inside the hill. Is is currently totally hollow, and there is nothing in it. Good SL building can sit in the air. lol
The plans for horse trail is still there, and the path could be a little bridge from north west of smaller hill to the back of the Ruins, and also around the Ruins to the south side of the sim. Not really decided.

Castle sits on the east side. You can't miss it. Entry is facing east of the sim, looking over the expanse of water. The entry hall is empty. I have no decided on decoration, however the second floor is cozily decorated.
There is a dungeon, hidden rooms all over the castle.

Future plans for Castle... decoration. Here, also has hollow space underneath from south side of the ground. It could fit a whole villege, but not decided. I might just fill them with terrain, if prim count would be an issue.
The horse trail will go around east side of the sim under the cliff. I'm thinking that the trail split from there, one goes above the water, as ordinary trail, the other goes under water, and follows underwater path.

*Grottos and Caves, ~Throne Room
There are three. You just have to find it. LOL The Throne room we call it, the huge castle like cave sits on the south side. I just couldnt find the way to cohesively integrate that building within an environment, other than to cover them with rock prims and landscaping, which just look awkward. so it just sit there. WIth that size of building, there should be some thought on other three sides than the entry... but yea.
I didnt build it.

All the caves will be decorated with cuddles and chill poses. There are lot of privacy.

*Gardens, Fountains
Sim Dweller's contribution. They took a pity on the empty spaces, and put some adorable gardens and fountains on several open areas. The fountain near the church has lots of chill poses for conversations, while you can enjoy the view of villege, fishing pond, water stream etc from anywhere you sit.
Other gardens, it should be landscaped more properly... sometimes soon.

**Couple of Rentals
Basically, you pay 500L a week and get to put 200 prims down. Unoccupied cottages and there is a separate apartment in Castle keep. If you need privacy, I suggest you set skybox above 1000m.
This is a shared community space, and you dont get to redline your little box. If you want those sort of thing, just go buy your own little land. My sim is about interacting with others. I have less rules than other rentals, and almost anyone can build on my sim on temporary basis (ie: opening boxes, adjusting prims, quick building).

*Music of the sim.
Currently streaming WCPE North Carolina. 24/7 classical music station. I want to put XLNC1 , but I can't find streaming address for stupid reason they don't list it.
I am not gonna change it to any other music genre.

There are gazillions of parcels in SL that streams all the junk music of last several decades. My sim can be the only one that stream the jewels and gems of last 400 years or so. I get bored so easily with same thing over and over. Classical music station always plays something I don't even know.

Enjoy your stay!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Sales trend coming back?

After the hunt, the sales were so slow, i thought I saturated my own market unintentionally. However, last few days, there are many activity, both in world and online. I wonder if there are some sort of *hat contest* or event going on.


I wanted to introduce new series of Goth Cowboy hats with new trim designs, but I'm not happy with the basic concept of design just yet. I may need new inspiration to spice it up. So I will keep you posted.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A couple of Blog entries from Twisted Hunt.

Article by SL for Nowt

This Blog is about freebies in SL and lately about Grid wide hunts. Until recently, I never thought to google my store name, but what do you know, there they were.
I am glad that all those hundreds of hunt participant stores and designers, my product caught few attention. If you read the response to my comment by the blog author, it definitely pays to put great looking full value product(s) in boxes.

I have received comments, extra sales and custom work commissions from this hunt, and this sort of attention as a notable mention among 100's of other product could prove the quality of my store offering.

Another Blog entry, was from Brazilian community.

Oh btw, I'm sorta working on new trim series for Goth Cowboy hats. The new and Different sets of Tarot cards with leather texture hats.

Monday, March 2, 2009

First Days of Twisted Hunt

First of all, thanks to everyone who stopped for # 13 (! how appropriate!) of the 103 stops of Twisted Hunt. I think anyone will be more than happy when they open the contents.
I put three full products and two can be mostly unisex. (Cowboy hat, male size choker and a pair of platform heels)
It could work on any males like me, who also wears high heels, then you will not waste that spicy looking heels, either. lol Girls, you could never have too many high heels, so there.

Interesting thing that there are more than a share of dramas. But that is expected, after all, this is mostly about girls and fashion. *evil grin
I will not go into the details of these drama, but let's just say, I will never put my blog in those SL fashion blog feed, nor send my products for some stupid review blogs, in the future. I never have, never will. FXXk *the exposure*.

When everyone discovered gucci and vuitton, I went for Lancel. There is a reason for it. Daini Ken is one of the *best kept secret in SL*, and continue to be one.
What's a fun in having a stuff that everyone else in the grid has? B. O. R. I. N. G...

I say this over and over.

1. Daini Ken makes original products.
(No plagiarism from RL designers/products.)

2.Daini Ken will not make crayon box color selections.

3.Daini Ken will not try to mass market the products.
(which means no vendors, outlets, commission resellers.)

4. Daini Ken only sells the products that are good enough to be worn by the creator (ie:ME). And I am very picky about how it looks. In other words, I don't sell stuff that are suck. lol

5. Freebies, gifts for treasure hunts... They are all full product and exceeds in average values of my regular products. Who wants some failed experiments or unpopular products?


I think I will put St Patrick's day hat later. It is from previous year, but I think it looks good for festivities. :) I can't let you kicked by others. lol

Friday, February 6, 2009

Twisted Hunt

Twisted Hunt (Grid wide treasure hunt) will be on from March 1st to 31st. My store will be participating.

The gift will be something new, and way better than that of ordinary freebies, so make sure you mark your calender.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Merger of Xstreet and LL....

It has been announced last evening that LL and Xstreet(and On rez) agreed on the merger.

My first impression is unsettling, sickening feeling yet no way to put a finger to it. No details has been disclosed as to what will happen, other than for the most part. In the FAQs, what I can tell that Xstreet will work as it is.

I have not been updated nor added much on Onrez since the days of Sl boutique, so I will not be affected directly on that part. However, I know that either political reason or usability of browser functions, many preferred to use Onrez, which understandably expressed the displeasure of the practical demise of Onrez.

Another is that virtual taxation. Now that Xstreet is LL, fear of implementation of *taxation on in world purchase transaction.* This has been a joke from the time I joined SL, but from what I can see, becoming very much real fear that LL will gradually move towards tax on every transaction made on SL.

Xstreet's commission had different meanings. They are the income source of Xstreet which were independent from SL activity.

Now that these two are merged, the merchant has to pay for two different classified, one quite useless , and the one on Xstreet will be taken over by flood frivorous classifieds as the one in world.

At this point, LL is just collecting reaction on public, no answers to any practical questions. So we just have to watch.

The business models on in world store and Xstreet has been somewhat separate. Now, I have to come up how to implement the new system efficiently. (I am just so stressed out about this. Just because no detail was made clear about the merger. )